JS Friday

5 min readNov 20, 2023


code: https://github.com/labradorescence/phase-1-practice-friday-the-13th/tree/april18

vid: https://youtu.be/WsicDWRA8kY

## Challenge 1

For each movie returned from http://localhost:3000/movies create an image and add it to the movie-list nav element.

$json-server --watch db.json


$open index.html


.then(response => response.json()) //1st .then return a promise,
//then with the JSON obj response, we turn it into JS ob.
.then(data => console.log(data)) //2nd .then gets json obj
.then(response => response.json()) //1st .then return a promise,
//then with the JSON obj response, we turn it into JS ob.
.then(movieData => { //2nd .then receive js obj

movieData.map(eachMovie => {

function createMovieImageInBar(movie){
const movieList = document.querySelector("#movie-list")

const image = document.createElement("img")
image.src = movie.image


## Challenge 2

As soon as the page loads, we should see the details of the **first** movie in the dataset.


.then(response => response.json())
.then(movieData => {

function createMovieImageInBar(movie){

function renderMovieDetail(movie){

const movieDetailImage = document.querySelector("div#movie-info img#detail-image")
const movieDetailTitle = document.querySelector("div#movie-info h1#title")
const movieDetailYear = document.querySelector("div#movie-info h3#year-released")
const movieDetailDescription = document.querySelector("div#movie-info p#description")
const movieDetailWatched = document.querySelector("div#movie-info button#watched")
const movieDetailBlood = document.querySelector("div#movie-info #amount")

movieDetailImage.src = movie.image
movieDetailTitle.innerText = movie.title
movieDetailYear.innerText = movie.release_year
movieDetailDescription.innerText = movie.description
movieDetailWatched.innerText = movie.watched
movieDetailBlood.innerText = movie.blood_amount



## Challenge 3

When you click on each movie image in the top nav, you should populate the detail area with the `image`, `title`, `release_year`, `description`, `watched`, and `blood_amount` for the movie that was clicked.

If the value of ‘watched’ is false, the button should say ‘Unwatched’. If the value is true, then the button should say ‘Watched’.

function createMovieImageInBar(movie){

image.addEventListener("click", ()=> {


function renderMovieDetail(movie){

movieDetailWatched.innerText = movie.watched? "Watched":"Unwatched"



## Challenge 4

When you click on the button in the details it should toggle between `Watched` or `Unwatched` depending on the value of `watched` for the movie currently being displayed.

_The watched value should stay the same when you click between the different movies._

NO NEED PATCH request for this

let currentMovie

.then(response => response.json()) //1st .then return a promise,
//then with the JSON obj response, we turn it into JS ob.
.then(movieData => { //2nd .then receive js obj

function createMovieImageInBar(movie){

function renderMovieDetail(movie){
currentMovie = movie //here----


function toggleWatchedButton(){
const movieDetailWatched = document.querySelector("div#movie-info button#watched")

movieDetailWatched.addEventListener("click", () => {
currentMovie.watched = !currentMovie.watched
movieDetailWatched.textContent = currentMovie.watched? "Watched":"Unwatched"

## Challenge 5

On the right side there’s a form that allows the user to enter a number of blood drops to add to each movie (don’t ask why). For each movie, I should be able to add more drops.


- If the value is 0 and I enter 10, then number of drops for the movie should be 10.

- If the value is 20 and I enter 5, then the number of drops for the movie should be 25.

_The blood amount value should stay the same when you click between the different movies._

//optimistic rendering
.then(response => response.json()) //1st .then return a promise,
//then with the JSON obj response, we turn it into JS ob.
.then(movieData => { //2nd .then receive js obj




function retrieveBloodAmount(){
const bloodForm = document.querySelector("form#blood-form")
const movieDetailBlood = document.querySelector("div#movie-info #amount")
const bloodInput = document.querySelector("input#blood-amount")

bloodForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {

currentMovie.blood_amount += parseInt(e.target["blood-amount"].value)

movieDetailBlood.textContent = currentMovie.blood_amount
e.target["blood-amount"].value = ""


pessimistic rendering


function patchBlood(urlId, patchData){
return fetch(`http://localhost:3000/movies/${urlId}`, {
method: "PATCH",
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify(patchData)
.then(response => response.json())


function retrieveBloodAmount(){
const bloodForm = document.querySelector("form#blood-form")
const movieDetailBlood = document.querySelector("div#movie-info #amount")
const bloodInput = document.querySelector("input#blood-amount")

bloodForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {

currentMovie.blood_amount += parseInt(e.target["blood-amount"].value)

let patchData = { blood_amount:currentMovie.blood_amount}
patchBlood(currentMovie.id, patchData)
.then(patchedMovie => {
movieDetailBlood.textContent = patchedMovie.blood_amount

e.target["blood-amount"].value = ""


Cleanup / refactor

//global scope
let currentMovie

//HTML DOM Node elements
const movieList = document.querySelector("#movie-list")
const movieDetailImage = document.querySelector("div#movie-info img#detail-image")
const movieDetailTitle = document.querySelector("div#movie-info h1#title")
const movieDetailYear = document.querySelector("div#movie-info h3#year-released")
const movieDetailDescription = document.querySelector("div#movie-info p#description")
const movieDetailWatched = document.querySelector("div#movie-info button#watched")
const movieDetailBlood = document.querySelector("div#movie-info #amount")
const bloodForm = document.querySelector("form#blood-form")
const bloodInput = document.querySelector("input#blood-amount")

const url = "http://localhost:3000/movies"

function getMovies (){

return fetch(url)
.then(response => response.json()) //1st .then return a promise,
//then with the JSON obj response, we turn it into JS ob.
.then(movieData => { //2nd .then receive js obj

movieData.map(eachMovie => {




function createMovieImageInBar(movie){

const image = document.createElement("img")
image.src = movie.image

image.addEventListener("click", ()=> {

function renderMovieDetail(movie){
currentMovie = movie //later deliverable

movieDetailImage.src = movie.image
movieDetailTitle.textContent = movie.title
movieDetailYear.textContent = movie.release_year
movieDetailDescription.textContent = movie.description
movieDetailWatched.textContent = movie.watched? "Watched":"Unwatched"
movieDetailBlood.textContent = movie.blood_amount


function toggleWatchedButton(){
movieDetailWatched.addEventListener("click", () => {
currentMovie.watched = !currentMovie.watched
movieDetailWatched.textContent = currentMovie.watched? "Watched":"Unwatched"

function patchBlood(urlId, patchData){
return fetch(`http://localhost:3000/movies/${urlId}`, {
method: "PATCH",
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify(patchData)
.then(response => response.json())


function retrieveBloodAmount(){

bloodForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {

currentMovie.blood_amount += parseInt(e.target["blood-amount"].value)

let patchData = { blood_amount:currentMovie.blood_amount}
patchBlood(currentMovie.id, patchData)
.then(patchedMovie => {
movieDetailBlood.textContent = patchedMovie.blood_amount

e.target["blood-amount"].value = ""


